Esthetics is

A branch of Philosophy dealing with Beauty and the Beautiful

Nov 16, 2010

What age should I bring in my child for a facial?

When is it time to get your daughters and sons on a good skin care routine? Well, I would say from the time they are young enough to know the importance of good hygiene. When your children are little you give them baths and tuck them into bed at night. It is usually around preteen age 10 to 12 when we start to lose some control over how they get their skin clean. That is the time I feel that you need to have a talk about good facial wash and a balancing moisturizer with SPF in it. Once the hormones kick in and they are starting to get some breakouts they will have established a good routine that you can add onto.

I try to recommend to my clients that they bring in their young teens at around age 13 or 14 to have me give them a mini facial and I can talk to them about good skin care. I can show them how much better their skin can look with the blackheads removed and the oil under control.

This is just as important for boys as it is for girls. In fact I actually have a larger clientele of teenage boys at this time than girls.

I teach girls the importance of washing off their make up before bed and boys of washing their face ,period. Some times it is easier for someone besides mom to make this impression on them.

It is very possible with just some regular facials and a good routine you can save your teenagers from a trip to the Dermatologist office.

1 comment:

  1. would you mind having this conversation with your son-in-law? Every time I mention that he needs a facial his face scrunches into that "what do you think I am a metro-sexual" look!!!!
