Esthetics is

A branch of Philosophy dealing with Beauty and the Beautiful

Feb 25, 2010

To cut or not to cut. Plastic Surgery, is it right for you?

How to make sure it’s a kind cut and not a permanent horror story.

This is a post that I thought about for some time. Do I talk about this or not? How is this relevant to skin care ect, ect. I finally figured what the heck, tackle it. Plastic Surgery is relevant to the times we live in. Most importantly it is relevant for the simple fact that it is an attainable solution for many people who are dissatisfied with some aspect of how they look.

Ok, let’s say you have done everything you possibly can to take care of your skin. Eating right. Using sunscreen. Putting good healthy ingredients on your face to keep it hydrated and to help with repairing damage. The skin looks as good as you possibly can get it. BUT you still don’t like what you’re seeing in the mirror….. Your chin line has softened and sags. Your eyelids are droopy. They even seem to get in the way of your peripheral vision at times. In fact you sometimes find yourself with watery eyes a lot because the lids are down right irritating. People say you look tired even when your not. You have a double chin that you can’t help but see every time you look in the mirror. You avoid having your picture taken because you just don’t seem to like the way you look anymore. If any of this describes you, you may be a candidate for plastic surgery. And I am not just talking about women here. Many men are choosing plastic surgery to correct the signs of ageing.

Now some of my younger followers will not be able to relate to what I am talking about here, but trust me, some day, you will…

I see allot of different age groups in my practice. But by far the larger group lies in the age group of 40 to 60. Why is this? Well this is when the ageing process really starts to kick in and you see some not so pleasant results of this in the mirror. Previous sun damage starts to show in uneven dark spots and pores start to look larger from the collagen/elastin breaking down in the skin. People come to me asking for HELP!!. I can improve the skin, yes. I can recommend laser treatments to help rebuild collagen and elastin. What I CAN NOT do is take away loose skin.

Sorry folks ,surgery is the only thing for that. To cut or not to cut is a VERY personal choice. My personal opinion is this. If YOU feel you would feel better about yourself to get surgery done, than I say. GO FOR IT. BUT do your research first. I can NOT stress this enough. Not all Doctors are created equal. Be realistic about your expectations. And above all,

Do it for YOU, Not for anyone else. Let’s face it, looks DO matter. But what is more important is how YOU feel about yourself.

Any surgery comes with risks, so you must know what you’re getting into BEFORE you go into it. I have seen some good surgeries and I have seen some not so good surgeries.

In this day and age looking good is still very important. As men and women approach middle age they start to feel threatened in the work force and in their personal life. We want to look good as long as we can. I say this can be achieved with some caution and care in choosing what is right for you

I will give you some choices here. Again I am NOT advocating any of them. This is just for informational purposes only. I firmly believe that less is better when it comes to plastic surgery. What I mean by this is. Do small things more often if possible. A mini lift will make you look fresher, younger, with out making you look stretched and unnatural. There is also a quicker recovery time with smaller procedures. The S lift or mini lift is all many people need. Who has weeks to recover? Most of us live busy lives and taking 4 weeks out of your life to heal is not appealing. That is why smaller surgeries of this type in my opinion are usually preferable.


An Eyelid lift can take years off of a person’s appearance and improve the eyesight and watery eye problems. Weather you need upper and lower lids done is up to your surgeon. BUT please choose a PLASTIC surgeon for this. NO offense to the eye doctors that are into doing this now. I have seen jobs done by both Plastic Surgeons and Eye Doctors and the plastic surgeons look better. Again this goes back to go to the right doctor for what you are getting done. Plastic surgeons are doctors trained in facial plastic surgery. Eye Doctors are trained in eye problems. They may be legally in the right to do this surgery, but maybe they just don’t have the best training. AGAIN, this is just my personal opinion based on what I have seen. There is always the exception to this rule. If you know of a person that swears by their eye doctor to do a good eyelift, than by all means check that out for yourself. Ask for people to speak with that have had the procedure done that you are getting. That can be very helpful!

DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Research the doctor you are going to use before your surgery. ASK QUESTIONS about recovery time, how the procedure is done, what you can expect from the outcome ect ect.

I have clients that have had many procedures done. From Breast enlargements and reductions, full face lifts, mini lifts, Eyelid lifts. Liposuction, Laser skin resurfacing ect ect.

A note about laser skin resurfacing. GO TO SOMEONE WHO DOES THIS A LOT!! You want a person very familiar with what they are doing when it comes to this procedure.

All surgery has risks. Numbness around incision sites that could be permanent. People that are in good health and do not smoke recover better and get better results from plastic surgery. Follow your doctor’s advice and instructions before and after any procedure.

To sum up, the overall opinion from people I have spoken with about these procedures are that they have been satisfied when they went to a well qualified doctor that listened and cared about their needs. There is no shame in wanting to look your best. This is very personal and only you can know what is right for you.

I will be doing a post on the non surgical options available out there soon .Botox, and other injectables. What is commonly referred to as the Liquid face lift.

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