Esthetics is

A branch of Philosophy dealing with Beauty and the Beautiful

Feb 14, 2010

Out Damn Spot!! Controlling Hyper pigmentation problems

Sure they look ok on this guy! But not on our skin!

Many women and men find that after age 40 they start to see pigmentation issues. These can be any thing from a couple of small brown spots appearing on the face to vary large blotchy areas that are darker in tone than other areas of the skin.

In men it is usually caused from sun damage or previous acne. With women it can be those issues added with the large changes in hormone levels that start to occur during Peri-menapause and menopause. Much as a pregnant woman can get what is called “pregnancy mask” women going through “the change” can experience the same issues. Also women on hormones such as the birth control pill or patch can find themselves noticing some Pigmentation issues.

I have encountered many women that find these brown spots or patches very hard to cover with make up and it causes them to be very self conscious.

To understand what happens when skin areas darken you need some basic knowledge of the skins pigmentation.

Skin Tone

Weather your skin is a deep ebony or as white as alabaster it comes from a natural pigment called Melanin.

When you body is in balance and there are no external or internal factors, your skin Tone is smooth and even.

Well, we all know life and our bodies are rarely in perfect balance. Trauma to the Dermis (skin) varies in forms. When there is trauma the melanocytes over produce in one area causing dark areas.

Other factors that contribute,

Anti-oxidant deficiency
Drug Reactions
Cortisol (too much stress)
Estrogen/Progesterone imbalances
And again,accumulated SUN DAMAGE

Age spots are different as these occur from ageing. But Sun damage also contributes as you can notice that skin that has been covered by clothing most of your life will have a more even unspotted tone than skin that has been exposed to the elements

How can we treat it?

It is important to state that most all hyper pigmentation problems are also tied to inflammation. Treatments that included anti inflammatory properties will be the most successful. Good ways to help control inflammation are to boost the body’s defenses.

Internally that means boosting your Vitamin C intake and to keep well hydrated. A diet rich in vegetables and some fruits will help to boost your defenses and help to repair. Eat less sugar,and refined foods.

People that work near heat sources such as hot ovens or closely to light sources must be even more careful as this can cause the inflammation to constantly flair up. Wearing a mask over the face can help protect the skin, along with sun screen.

On the outside there are several options open to Estheticians and Dermatologists to help treat these conditions.
First a HYDRATING Moisturizer is essential. Along with a good Vitamin C Serum.

For mild pigmentation problems you can use mild chemical peals.

Followed with the use of Retinoic acid (Vitamin A) and Hydroquinone at home.

For deeper problems the use of I.P.L. Lasers are a good source for lightening.I have had much success with what is called a Photofacial for lightining a couple of my pigmented areas. This treatment also helps with pore size and over all collegen rebuilding.

I stress that you must get the advice of a Dermatologist or an esthetition to find the best solution for your skin pigmentation problems.

Sun Screen will become your friend! Even with the faithful use of Sunscreen and a hat many people find that the pigmentation issues can flair up. There is no easy fix for this, but the options are better now than they used to be a few years ago. Don’t suffer with this problem, Seek out help if it is something that bothers you.

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