Esthetics is

A branch of Philosophy dealing with Beauty and the Beautiful

Jun 1, 2010

Pedicures“It’s Not Just About Pretty Feet”

Taking care of your feet with a good pedicure has more benefits than just leaving you with pretty toenails. It can improve the overall health of your feet. Sore Feet can lead to a sore back, sore legs and overall fatigue.

Un groomed toenails can lead to ingrown nails. A buildup of dry cuticle around the nails can also feel just as bad as an ingrown toenail.

Build up of rough dry skin on heals or the pads of the foot can cause calluses and lead to cracked skin which can be a breeding ground for fungus and other infections.

I Have UGLY feet and don’t want anyone touching them!!

This is one of the main reasons I hear from people that don’t get pedicures on why they don’t. This is the MOST important reason to get one!! Any foot no matter its shape or condition will look better with groomed toenails and smoother hydrated skin.

Trust me, in all the years I have worked on feet I have NEVER met a foot I couldn’t make look better 

I hear you can get infections from pedicures??

This is the second reason I hear that causes people to shy away from this service. Unfortunately this can be true. It is important that the salon, if they use the whirlpool type tubs, put them through a good disinfectant rinse between clients.

We use the portable tubs in our salon. Although not as pretty as the big whirlpool ones they are VERY easy to keep clean and disinfected. There is not a filter area in these tubs that can harbor germs like in the whirlpool tubs. I feel confident that we clean these well with a broad spectrum disinfectant before each use.

Start your summer off with a relaxing refreshing pedicure! Your feet will look great and you will feel so much better!

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