Esthetics is

A branch of Philosophy dealing with Beauty and the Beautiful

Mar 20, 2010

Beauty Comes From Within

Much of my career focuses on outward beauty, yes. Taking care of your skin, keeping up on the latest trends in facial rejuvenating ect ect. If you have been following my blog the past few months you also know that I am a firm believer in taking care of what you put in your body also. It is so vitally important to your overall well being and to looking your best by eating the healthiest we can.

BUT that is not where it ends!

Is this you?

We can put nourishing foods into our bodies and get adequate exercise and still not be at a place of optimum beauty and health. A key ingredient is that we need to feed our well being. We need to be able to de-stress from the everyday problems and situations that life hands us.

The spa is a place where you take your weary bones and your sagging stress laden shoulders. When you come into the spa you can leave your everyday stress at the door. During this recession I have seen people that are so overwhelmed with the day to day struggles. Every single one of us has burdens to bear. Some more than others.

We offer a place where you can come in with a frown and leave with a relaxed smile. Massage, facials, pedicures, manicures, body treatments. What ever your pleasure you will leave feeling better than when you arrived. That is our mission at our day spa.

We have a wonderful staff of well trained Massage therapists and Estheticians. When you arrive you can get a warm cup of tea, a warm neck wrap and start to feel the tension leave your body.

Many people say that can’t afford a trip to the spa, yet they find money to spend on things that will do nothing to help their well being.

I say, how can you afford NOT to?

Treat yourself or a loved one to a spa service. Mothers and Fathers day are coming and what better way to show your appreciation than to treat them to a stress free spa service.

***stay tuned for information on our Contest to treat a very special mother to a spa day. Details soon to be announced on the spa website, face book and here.

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